perjantai 21. syyskuuta 2007


I would be one of those classical lottery winners who would use the increased resources for travelling. At the moment it seems that one have only two options. One have to either work and earn a lot which means at highest long weekends in some European city. The other option is work a little and have no money to go further than the closest historical city unless one wants to do the travelling by hitchiking.

I booked flying ticket to Brazil, Sao Paulo. Original plan was to spend there at least one month when going there. After planning the trip and fighting for resources (either money or time) for 3,5 years. I decided to book the ticket only for two weeks. I hope it still is way better than nothing.

One of my acquaintances visited Prague and I was honored to see her (+ 6 of her Finnish friends travelling in Czech Republic!!!) in Thursday when they joined to have beers with me and my friend. It was fun. Even though I did not know my acquaintance so well it was great to catch up. They have had intensive week in Brno, Prague and Vienna.

I do not know why but sometimes it seems more fun to see people one do not see every day. Probably this could be one of the major things in travelling. Since what could be more interesting that sit in local pubs somewhere far away just watching local people!

lauantai 15. syyskuuta 2007


Vaihteeksi suomeksi

Lyhyt tsekin kielen oppimäärä

piha= luomi
makaamme=tehdä työtä
burcak=nuori viini

Jälkimmäinen onkin tämän kirjoituksen pääasiallinen aihe. Täällä on nimittäin tapana juoda syksyisin pienissä viinituvissa nuorta viiniä. Toki voi mennä viinimarkkinoille ja ostaa pullon tai tonkan tuota ilolientä.

Eräs suomalainen ystävä kertoi, että sitä kannattaa maistaa, vaikkei hän siitä itse pitänytkään. Hän kuvaili sen maistuvan lähinnä sahdilta. Tiistaina sitten suomea puhuva tsekkiläinen ystäväni vei minut Vinoteckaan. 24 korunaa lasilta nuorta valkoviiniä ei houkuttele ulkonäöllään juomaan. Lasillinen burcakia näyttää lähinnä samealta päärynämehulta.

Tuo neliprosenttinen 2 desiä olikin sitten minun mieleeni ja muistutti, jonkin verran englantilaisia tai ranskalaisia siidereitä. Sahdin kanssa yhtäläisyydet olivat kylläkin kovin vähäiset. Kenties paljon nautittuna vatsan toimintaa edistävä vaikutus on sahdin kanssa samankaltainen.

sunnuntai 9. syyskuuta 2007

Sleeping in a tram

Every road goes to Rome, but my life everything relates to Roxette. Do you remember their hit Sleeping in my car? I tried sleeping in a tram last Friday night.

I had just wrote in my last entry of this blog how I am lazy to party and eager to sleep. Obviously at least the latter part is true since I was partying Friday. I was just supposed to visit my boss's housewarming party but I ended up nightclubbing until 5 am.

In Prague there are this great night tram system so one do not need cab that often. After night snack in McDonalds i took one to Andel. Unfortunately I fell asleep (I know what you are thinking and I have to admit that) before my home stop.

I was woken up by the driver in middle of panelaks (these beton buildings with full of happy people living in them) about 20-25 minutes I should have get off from the tram. I was a bit confused until I clear my head after sudden awakening and head of to stop waiting for the tram going back.

It was a blurry Friday.

lauantai 1. syyskuuta 2007

Lazy to party, eager to sleep

I have to confess: in my many ways I feel that I am getting older. I do not complain. There is nothing wrong to be old.

It was so different to party even only 3-4 years ago. One recovered so fast for the long nights out. Now it is a different case. One feels that whole weekend is ruined for one hung over day.

Yesterday I was out much later (until 5.30 am) than I expected. I was somewhat able to get up right after ten this morning to be on sharp with agreed meeting with my friend on noon. But after coming back from sightseeing. I was totally ready for long long nap.

That is what I did. I slept more than 3 hours waking up at 7 pm feeling that I stay the evening at home. That is what I am doing now thinking -again- that next weekend I won't go out. Luckily there is always Sunday!