sunnuntai 9. syyskuuta 2007

Sleeping in a tram

Every road goes to Rome, but my life everything relates to Roxette. Do you remember their hit Sleeping in my car? I tried sleeping in a tram last Friday night.

I had just wrote in my last entry of this blog how I am lazy to party and eager to sleep. Obviously at least the latter part is true since I was partying Friday. I was just supposed to visit my boss's housewarming party but I ended up nightclubbing until 5 am.

In Prague there are this great night tram system so one do not need cab that often. After night snack in McDonalds i took one to Andel. Unfortunately I fell asleep (I know what you are thinking and I have to admit that) before my home stop.

I was woken up by the driver in middle of panelaks (these beton buildings with full of happy people living in them) about 20-25 minutes I should have get off from the tram. I was a bit confused until I clear my head after sudden awakening and head of to stop waiting for the tram going back.

It was a blurry Friday.

1 kommentti:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I’ve been to Prague many times and I never get sick of it. Last time I was there for 15days. I found the city beautiful, like a fairytale land, the towers, the castles and the cathedral gives the city that mystic ambient that I love. Yeh their system is good. In my country we always need taxis too. But you should be careful.
I love Czech people they are very nice and friendly and also a literate society, as you can see here in this government document. Besides the small streets I loved the place we slept in I’ll leave you here a very good site about Prague hotels, they are cheap and very pleasant. Better then sleeping in trams: )